One of the most challenging questions I've ever faced in my spiritual walk has been, "Can God still use me?" The reason I felt it to be challenging is because of the many poor choices I've made over the years. My choices left me with an overwhelming feeling of guilt and shame, which led me to believe that I was the worst of the worst. I oftentimes thought to myself, "How could God use someone who has gone against His Word, ESPECIALLY someone who held a position of leadership in His kingdom?" I also wondered what others in the kingdom would think. Would they accept me back? Would they listen to me? Why would they even WANT to listen? After all, I already knew what was being said about me. I mean let's be real, people talk! I'd taken note of how some shunned me, as well as how others flat out refused to speak. I saw the silent stares and the rolling of eyes. I even remember once running into a minister and as I approached them to speak, they turned their back to me. I really felt as I were an outcast, not only in the church but in God's eyes as well.
When I first entered into ministry, I was ON FIRE! I was faithful to everything: Sunday School, Sunday morning service, Sunday evening service, Prayer, Bible Study and whatever auxiliary I chose to participate in. I loved it and worked hard, sometimes to the point of exhaustion. I was a faithful tither and did whatever I could to please God. So when the choice was made to "pull back", after some time passed, shame and guilt began to creep into my spirit. "How could I have done this to God", I asked myself. I perceived the road back to Him to be one which required insurmountable strength, that I just didn't have.
One thing my journey has taught me is that the devil is most definitely a liar. I know that's a familiar phrase which is continuously quoted, but nevertheless it's true. He IS a liar. The Bible refers to him as the "father of lies" (John 8:44), and all he does is "seek whom he may devour": the weak, brokenhearted, lonely, weary, confused, etc. But if you study the scriptures, the Bible speaks to every single emotion just mentioned. It specifically states:
- "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles (tricks) of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11)
- It's not about how strong WE are but POWER BELONGS TO GOD!
- "He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds." (Psalm 147:3)
- No matter how painful our hurt is, God can and will fix it, if we just reach out to Him instead of other people.
- "...There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24)
- When all others have forsaken us, God is still awaiting with open arms.
- And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." (Galatians 6:9)
- Even though we may sometimes become weary, if we do what God instructs, He will reward us openly.
- And as a side note, let's remember that, "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." (Psalm 34:18)
- So if we're dealing with difficulties, we're in perfect position for God to move. After all, He doesn't need to save someone who has it all together right?
So again, the question arises, "Can God Still Use Me?" Let me encourage your spirit with a resounding "YES!" Yes God can still use YOU, just as He is using me! The only thing that's holding you up is YOU. Remember that God never left us, for the Bible states, "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." It is we who leave God and just as with the prodigal son, the father is still waiting for us to return.
Please remember that the Bible teaches us in Philippians 1:6, that whatever God has promised us He WILL "perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." This means that you have a purpose that God uniquely placed inside of you and if you make up in your mind to serve Him, He WILL cause it to come to fruition. It doesn't say that He "might", nor does it say He'll change His mind. It say that HE WILL. It's just a matter of us making the decision to allow Him to lead and guide our footsteps; after all, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord...". (Psalm 37:23) So whatever the gift, ministry or help that God has placed inside of you, no one in this world can do it the way God desired for it to be done EXCEPT FOR YOU!
So what are you waiting for? Get up and get going NOW! Turn a deaf ear and blind eye to all those who speak against you because they will have their reward (just look it up). Hear me when I say, if God can use an ass to speak to His people (Numbers 22:28), He most definitely can use you! When you search the scriptures, the majority of the people and things God used didn't make sense to everyone else: Noah was a drunk who eventually slept with his daughters; David was a cheat, murderer and liar; Abraham chose to listen to his wife instead of God. But still God used them all mightily.
Do any of those scenarios sound familiar to your story? I'd be inclined to believe that your story doesn't even compare to what Noah, Abraham and David did. Am I right? If so, then you need to get on up, hold your head high, get to work, give God the praise and allow Him to get the glory! God CAN still use YOU!
And once you get back into your rightful position, please remember to revisit this site and share your testimony/testimonies of victory! This will not only help to inspire others who are struggling with the same issue(s), but also show just how mighty our God is. Remember, our aim is to build up and not tear down nor make spectacles of other's weaknesses. I'll be praying for you and looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks sisters!
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