Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It's Yours!

Lately I've witnessed a lot of .... "shenanigans" (to put it lightly) and was led to encourage someone.
"It doesn't matter what people say about you, what people do to you, what people think of you, who stole your idea, nor who's fake and phony. What God has for you IS for YOU and it was predestined for YOU. It was designed and tailor made SPECIFICALLY for YOU. No one on this earth can do it like YOU do it and no one will receive it in the manner in which YOU will.
So be not weary in well doing because in due season, you SHALL reap a harvest. No demon in hell can stop, delay or alter God's plan for your life. The only one who can stop it is YOU. If God has spoken it,then it SHALL come to pass because He is not a man that He should lie. He must honor His Word. So be stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is NOT in vain.

Always remember, the devil is the father of lies and is a manipulator. Regardless of how it looks, don't allow his facade to get you down. It's simply a mind game and a trick to get you off track. Just as in the days of Moses, man has always "tried" to emulate God's power but eventually their "tricks" were exposed and destroyed.
Only a fool would think that they could outsmart or surpass the one who created their brain! Lol! So be encouraged! EVERYTHING is going to be alright. God's got YOU!!! We declare it in Jesus name!"

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